Not everything went according to plan, with all the tech troubles. Thanks to St Alfred for working hard on it.
SOO..bottom line.
We will have a very brief quiz Thurs in addition to our guest (s) presentation.
Two questions:
1)Based on the Prodigal Son exercise we did in class today (If you missed class read below), tell whether your answer in class (or online below) was accurately predicted by the Richards/O'Brien experiment.
2)These are actually "re-run" questions from the last quiz, so you already know the answers. We just wanted to impress our speaker that we put both his statements on a quiz(:
a)Russ Willingham: "According to the Bible, the pastor our leader needs to watch over their __________." ((help))
b)a)Russ Willingham: "The leader's greatest strength is being publicly _________." ((help))
So if you missed class, to answer question one, simply read the story of the Prodigal Son,starting at Luke 15:14. Then re-tell the story to someone else (Or yourself). AFTER you have done that click here and read pages 14-15 to see if the prediction was accurate (Did you do what most Americans do?)
From the same book..the fanny story is
--We talked about what
^actual photo of two rats found in Sattler 101^ |
We left a pile of garbage in the room, and asked
what would happen if it were left there overnight:
it would invite rats.
Certain attitudes/behaviors/ethical responses seem to be the equivalent of "garbage," with invites/incites demonic entities to piggyback on them. Here are some we looked at.
(we discussed the first three)
- unresolved anger devil given a foothold (Ephesians 4:26-27)
- no marital relations Satan tempts (1 Corinthians 7: 4-5)
- unforgiveness Satan comes in (2 Corinthians 2:10-11)
- human thinking "Get behind me, Satan!" (Matthew 16:23-24)
- human thinking becomes demonic and evil (James 3:16-17)
- love of money a root of many kinds of evil (1 Tim 6:10)
Reminder of rest of class:
Mar 22
S: 1-36;
The response makes a statement … or “How do you help others see the
art in what you think you see?”
Mar 24
H&L: 51-122
Leading in difficulty without getting “killed” … or “Aren’t some
photos best taken from far away?”
Mar 29
H&L: 123-60;
S: 37-53
Leading in difficulty without getting “killed” … or “Am I close enough
for a good picture, or is this too close?” cont.
Mar 31
H&L: 163-206;
S: 55-89
How is less important than who … or “Is everyone who ones a camera a
Apr 5
H&L: 207-23;
S: 107-20
Motivation is everything … or “What makes a good picture good?”
Apr 7
H&L: 225-36
S: 121-92
Who Leads the Leader? … or “Can sheep be shepherds”
Apr 12
Nouwen: All
Practicum Debrief; Nouwen Discussion
Practicum Summary Paper; Nouwen Review
Apr 14
E: All
Part IV: The Ugly: Sometimes we are wounded … or “Am I destined to
repeat the cycle by visiting pain on others?”
Apr 19
Apr 21
Strong cont.
Apr 26
Group Presentations
Group Reports
Apr 28
Group Presentations
Group Reports
May 5
Final: 9-11am
Group Presentations
Final Exam due by e-mail no later than 4:59 pm
Group Reports
Final Exam